Saturday, May 1, 2010

Punk Rock Fashion Example Pictures

Inspired by Crystal Castles, well Alice Glass, I am doing a photography series based on Punk Rock Fashion even though they aren't punk rock. Here are some example pictures that you can refer from if I asked you to help me out or model for me. Look at facial expressions, clothing, poses, accessories. It will all help.

I probably will have my friend Nichelle help me with make up and hair, but if she isn't available on certain days, we're going to have to figure something out.

Also, MODELS, try to fit the clothing real well. Read up on PUNK ROCK FASHION.
Learn about it and pay attention to the usual features (clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewelry, and body modifications). How can you make this work? Just try to collaborate with me. :) Go here:

There are many types of punk rock fashion, so don't be afraid to try and mix and match, or experiment.

We'll figure this all out in due time. But we'll just go with the flow for right now.
I have a little time for this so we must cram. :)

Thanks everyone,

Chris Ramirez

P.S. I am trying for a dramatic/morbid/dark style with maybe hard lighting. Think gothic, but don't forget that some punk rockers wear bright, colorful clothing. Look at bands.

P.S.S. It's the model's job to sell the clothing. How do they do this? ATTITUDE. (aka Facial expressions, poses) It is the model’s job to project an attitude that would persuade a buyer into thinking that they will feel this attitude by wearing the clothing or fashion article. Think about that.

Crystal Casltes

Hard/Dramatic Lighting 1

Hard/Dramatic Lighting 2

Examples for make-up, accessories, clothing, poses, facial expressions, hair-styles, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hey still looking for models ?
    i work for a few punk modelling sites, and a temp. model for a clothing brand. Lemme know if you're in need.

